This World Baking Day, we're bringing you a baked peanut butter and choc cheesecake topped with our brand new Peanut Caramel Bar, courtesy of @hollysoats. 



Serves 10


70g pure fine oats (or use blended oats)

2tbsp granulated sweetener (I used Stevia)

60g chocolate digestive vegan protein 

15g unsweetened cocoa powder 

50g peanut butter powder + 75ml water

Pinch of salt

60ml water + more if needed to create a crumble


300g extra firm tofu 

185g soy Greek yoghurt

35g vanilla vegan protein

40g granulated sweetener

20g peanut butter powder + 30ml water

Vanilla Flavdrops or 1tsp Vanilla essence


15g peanut butter powder + 2tsp water

15g unsweetened cocoa powder + 3tsp water + vanilla Flavdrops 

40g blam peanuts

2 LoveRaw Peanut Caramel Bars


Preheat the oven to 140 degrees Celsius. 

Combine biscuit base dry ingredients together. Add peanut butter and water to create a crumbly dough. Add more water if needed. Press into a lined 7" or 8" tin. I used 7". 

Crumble tofu into a sieve and rinse with water. Press with a paper towel to remove water. 

Blend cheesecake ingredients together until smooth. Pour on top of base.

Bake for 25-30 minutes. Remove and leave to cool. Once cooled, leave in the fridge for a minimum 4 hours.

Top with peanut butter and cocoa sauce. Sliced LoveRaw bar into 10 pieces and sprinkle peanuts on top.

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