Kid-Friendly, No-Fuss Vegan Chocolate Ice Lolly Recipe

When summer rolls around, the days are longer, the nights are brighter and the weather is better (well, for the most part). Schools break up for the holidays, and so there’s no better time to start looking for fun activities that will keep the kids occupied and out of trouble. And one of those activities could be making chocolate ice lollies!

Whether your family is vegan, or you’re just trying to make healthier choices, a vegan chocolate ice lolly may be exactly what you’re looking for. Many people think that chocolate and summer days don’t mix - and those people couldn’t be more wrong! 

What Is A Vegan Chocolate Ice Lolly? 

A vegan chocolate ice lolly is an ice lolly made out of chocolate - that’s right, chocolate is no longer just a movie snack or comfort food, it’s a summer staple. It’s also so much more than a tasty treat: it’s something to do on a Tuesday afternoon, a Thursday evening or a weekend when you need to keep the children entertained and you’re running out of ideas. And it’s something that the whole family can do together and enjoy, because it’s fun to make and to eat. Plus, if you buy a larger pack of M:lk Choc Bars you’ll have plenty of leftover chocolate to snack on - a double win!

The Inspiration Behind Our Chocolate Ice Lolly Recipe

At LoveRaw, we firmly believe two things: that chocolate should be enjoyed all year round, and that children should be able to try their hand at baking and creating too. So many people think that when the sun is out, it's too hot for chocolate - and as chocolate connoisseurs, with so many collections of vegan chocolate, that doesn't sit right with us. So we put on our thinking caps, scoured the internet and talked it out, and then we realised: 

Some of our favourite things to do as children included going to the beach and having an ice pop, chasing after the ice cream van for a 99p Mr Whippy and putting chocolate bars in the fridge so they were cold and broke apart with a satisfying snap. What does all of this have in common? Ice cold sweet treats.

And so the Vegan Chocolate Ice Lolly was born; a great way to indulge your sweet tooth and your love of chocolate, while doing something fun with the kids that doesn’t make a huge mess or break the bank. They’re fun, they’re affordable and they taste great, whether you’re 2, 22 or 102. Since we enjoyed them so much, we just had to share our recipe with you, so take note, mums, dads, aunts and uncles!

How To Make A Chocolate Ice Lolly

Our kid-friendly vegan chocolate ice lolly recipe is super easy to follow, and guaranteed to be fun for all the family. It’s a great activity to do with the children, no matter how old they are, because they get to have their cake and eat it too (or in this case, their ice lolly). After all, the only way eating an ice lolly can be more satisfying during summer is if you make it yourself!

The Ingredients 

  • 300ml vegan yogurt (we used Alpro, but any is fine)
  • 4 tsp cocoa powder
  • 2-3 tsp agave syrup
  • 75g Just Choc M:lk Choc 

What makes this vegan chocolate ice lolly so easy to make is the fact that there are so few ingredients. This is also what makes it a relatively healthy summer snack for kids, because all of the ingredients are raw and natural. 

The great thing about these ingredients is that they can be easily substituted. Only have Greek yogurt? Use that. Don’t have agave syrup? Use honey. Think milk chocolate will be boring? Use Caramel M:lk Choc or Orange M:lk Choc instead. Do what you like to make this recipe easy and your own. 

Top Tip: Be sure to have spare M:lk Choc Bars available, just in case. We know what those grubby little hands are like, and no one can resist chocolate that tastes this good, especially not the younger ones. 

The Equipment

One of our favourite things about our vegan chocolate ice lolly recipe is that it doesn’t require any effort. Chances are, you already have all of this equipment, which means you don’t need to go out and buy it. Even if you are missing something, you can improvise or pop to the supermarket - you’ll find all of these things in the home and leisure section of your local Tesco.

  • Measuring jug
  • Mixing bowl
  • Wooden spoon
  • Teaspoon
  • Ice lolly moulds

The Recipe

We promised a kid-friendly, no-fuss recipe, and that’s exactly what we’ve come up with! Once you have your ingredients and equipment together, you’re ready to crack on! 

  1. Put the yogurt and cocoa powder into a bowl. Stir until you have a smooth texture, and there are no lumps in sight.
  2. Add the agave syrup little by little. Dipping your finger in for a cheeky taste will make sure that it’s sweet, but not too sweet.
  3. Stir in the LoveRaw Just Choc M:lk Choc.
  4. Spoon your mixture into ice lolly moulds 
  5. Place the moulds into the freezer until solid. 
  6. Remove from the moulds and enjoy - bon appetit! 

In just 6 simple steps, you have a vegan chocolate ice lolly that puts all of the name brands to shame. It just goes to show how satisfying and rewarding it can be to make something yourself every once in a while. 

Vegan Chocolate Ice Lolly: The Taste Test

Before you actually make a vegan chocolate ice lolly, you probably want to know what one tastes like. Well, the team at LoveRaw can confirm that they are fantastic! Icy cold and deliciously chocolatey, this is one summer recipe you won’t regret! 

Baking With LoveRaw

Hopefully you’re feeling inspired by this vegan ice lolly recipe and are ready to try it out for yourself. We promise, you and the children are going to love it! Post your finished creation on Instagram, and be sure to tag us @loveraw so that we can see, and possibly even share it on our feed! The only thing we like more than eating and experimenting with vegan chocolate, is watching you do it too!

If you have any questions about this recipe, or our products in general, get in touch! While you’re waiting, be sure to look at our other vegan baking and dessert recipes - there’s definitely a tasty treat or two that is guaranteed to catch your eye, and will be a fun baking project for all the family. 

Addtional Information
Nutrition Calories: 150-200 kcal
Total Fat: 8-10g
Saturated Fat: 5-7g
Cholesterol: 0mg
Sodium: 50-100mg
Total Carbohydrates: 15-20g
Dietary Fiber: 1-2g
Sugars: 10-15g
Protein: 3-5g
Note: Exact nutrition may vary based on the specific brands of ingredients used. For precise values, it’s recommended to use a nutrition calculator.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 0 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes + freezing time
Servings 4 ice lollies

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